Tuesday, March 15, 2011

French fashion brand Louis Vuitton was in contrast to the legal Danish artist Nadia Plesner. Both sides have agreed to Darfurnica piece Plesners ", painting with Sudanic province of Darfur, as themes and a modern version of Picasso's Guernica.

Supposedly work shows a bag that looks like a Vuitton bag at Audra. With pictures, Plesner wants to show her amazement about celebrities get coverage for wearing designer clothes, compared to the Darfur conflict.

For Vuitton bag in violation of the law with the brand. The judge agreed with a punishment Vuitton E 5000 per day working at the exhibition site artist, gallery or elsewhere.

Plesner trying to get out of the penalty and pressed charges against Louis Vuitton fashion brand. Together with his lawyer with the law firm Kennedy Van der Lahn, she struggles against the violation of freedom of expression and creativity . On its website, Pelsner raises money to protect themselves.


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